What Communists want

29.01.2008 - EB

Glossary of difficult words

What Communists want - a play on the name of the film, "What Women Want";

to buy someone off - to procure the loyalty and support of someone by bribery;

free agent - a person (or sports player) who does not have any commitments (or contractual obligations) that restrict his actions;

expedience (or expediency) - action that is convenient and practical, although it might be improper or immoral;

egalitarian - believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities;

to feel the pinch - to experience hardship, esp. financial;

you gotta do what you gotta do - a line famously used by Bill Clinton to explain why he resorted to dirty tactics to win the 1996 presidential elections;

photo op - photo opportunity.

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