Zeman's man at Prague city hall

29.07.2013 - EB

With the appointment of Radek Augustin, Miloš Zeman now has his people in charge of the government (Jiří Rusnok), Constitutional Court (Pavel Rychetský), Regional Governors' Association (Michal Hašek), president's office (Vratislav Mynář) and cabinet office (Augustin). Die-hard Zeman fans also hold key ministerial posts (Martin Pecina, Marie Benešová). Motejlek.com reported that Zeman received help in vetting potential ministers from Tomáš Hrdlička of ODS, who was squeezed out of Prague city hall during the mayorship of Bohuslav Svoboda. Karel Březina, Hrdlička's cohort from ČSSD, is now in charge of the transportation committee at Prague city hall. This is the same Březina who ran the cabinet office when Zeman was PM. Březina later strayed into the Bohuslav Sobotka camp, but when the time comes for Zeman to take over Prague city hall too, reactivating Březina will be a simple enough matter.

Glossary of difficult words

die-hard - stubbornly clinging to a cause;

to vet - to inspect or investigate (a person's background or beliefs);

cohort - a supporter or companion; an accomplice or conspirator;

to stray - to move off an established path;

to reactivate - to make someone or something (such as an agent) active again.

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