Why ČSSD a.s. will push the euro

28.06.2016 - EB

Bohuslav Sobotka, Lubomír Zaorálek and other ČSSD politicians fell into a trap of their own making when they urged the UK to leave the EU quickly. It didn't take Brussels long to turn the argument around and to call on the CR and other non-euro countries to adopt the common currency quickly in response to Brexit. The CR, after all, is obligated to do so, although it has no deadline. Polls show that 70% of Czechs and 60% of small and midsize enterprises oppose the euro. What can the Commission now offer ČSSD for pushing through the euro over the objection of the vast majority of Czechs? That's easy. All Brussels needs to do is to continue turning a blind eye to the way ČSSD a.s. is going full steam ahead with the institutionalization of corruption on the level of the cabinet, its ministries, the Supreme Court and state companies. Plenty of ČSSD-friendly analysts and journalists can be called on to help put the blame for euro adoption on UK voters.

Glossary of difficult words

to turn a blind eye - to pretend not to notice;

full steam ahead - with as much speed or energy as possible.

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