Senate plays games with one-China

21.05.2020 - EB

Rarely does a legislative body pass a law or resolution that violates the very principles or policies by which it stands. The Czech Senate passed a resolution yesterday stating that Czech parliamentary delegations to Taiwan are in accord with the long-term foreign-policy interests of the CR and that the Senate supports Senate Pres. Miloš Vystrčil as the head of such a delegation. At the same time, the Senate referred in its resolution in a positive way to a statement from April 2014 of the foreign ministers of the CR and the People's Republic of China. That document states, among other things, that the Czech side "reaffirmed that it is committed to a one-China policy." The Senate is now expressing its support for a direct violation of this one-China policy in the form of a visit to Taiwan by the country's No. 2 constitutional official. The onus is now on Vystrčil. He can continue with this diplomatic childishness by traveling to Taiwan, or he can do the responsible thing and cancel any idea of a trip. If he wants to be a rebel, he can ask the Senate to rescind its support for the one-China policy and to recognize Taiwan.

Glossary of difficult words

onus - duty or responsibility;

to rescind - to revoke, cancel or appeal (a law, order or agreement).

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