Remigration threat

22.01.2024 - EB

The EU Commission warned in Nov. 2021 of the "instrumentalization of desperate people" on external EU borders, esp. with regard to Lithuania, Poland and Latvia, and said that this was resulting in an unprecedented increase in irregular border crossings from Belarus. The Commission vowed to give member states better tools to protect external borders and said that "orderly, firm border management in full respect of European asylum law and migrants' fundamental rights is the only effective and humane way to manage this situation." Czech TV and other media reported over the weekend that tens of thousands of people protested in Germany against plans by right-wing radicals to deport foreigners on a mass scale. If the media and the "silent majority" of Germans consider "remigration" to be such a major threat, Czech politicians should take it seriously too and look at their options for protecting the CR from an onslaught of deported foreigners in the spirit of "orderly, firm border management."

Glossary of difficult words

remigration - a far-right political concept referring to the forced or promoted return of non-ethnically European immigrants, often including their descendants, back to their place of racial origin regardless of citizenship status;

to instrumentalize - to make into an instrument or weapon for achieving a goal; to weaponize;

irregular - contrary to the rules or to that which is normal or established;

humane - having or showing compassion or benevolence;

onslaught - an overwhelmingly large number of people or things.

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