Free passage for French troops
Emmanuel Macron is expected to speak in Prague today mainly about ammunition for Kyiv and a nuclear-power deal for EDF, but he's also likely to be asked for an explanation of his remark about not ruling out sending troops to Ukraine. Ex-French Foreign Min. Hubert Védrine said on Sun. that the comment must be seen in the context of a possible collapse of the Ukrainian army and that Macron's intent was perhaps in part to accelerate a re-engagement of the U.S. The question today for Macron, then, could be what happens if the U.S. doesn't re-engage. PM Petr Fiala has said that the CR won't send troops, but he hasn't said anything about whether Czechs would help those who do. His government's Defense Strategy emphasises the importance of the CR as a transit country for allied forces in the event of an increased threat. If France decided to send troops to Ukraine, there would only be a few possible routes for getting them there. Are the Czechs prepared to give the French free passage?