Blesk, STAN and the Pirates

06.06.2024 - EB

STAN set the gold standard in the 2021 parliamentary elections for screwing a coalition partner by violating Article 5.1.2 of its agreement with the Pirates not to call on voters, directly or indirectly, to circle preferential candidates. The result was a lopsided 33 MPs for STAN and four for the Pirates. MP Jakub Michálek of the Pirates famously said that STAN used the money it stole from DP Praha transit company in the Dosimeter case to finance the campaign for circling out his colleagues. Part of that campaign were instructions in Daniel Křetínský's Blesk tabloid about how to circle out the Pirates. Since then, Křetínský's relations with STAN have apparently soured, as witnessed by Blesk's campaign against Industry Min. Jozef Síkela over the purchase of Net4Gas. Blesk hasn't taken sides against the Pirates in the EU elections. This could be important, because a convincing win by the Pirates over STAN this weekend would make it hard for STAN to argue that it deserves the post of EU commissioner.

Glossary of difficult words

gold standard - something of superior quality which serves as a point of reference against which other things of its type may be compared;

to screw someone - to cheat or swindle someone;

lopsided - with one side significantly lower or smaller than the other;

to sour - to make or become unpleasant, acrimonious or difficult;

to take sides against - to join a faction opposing someone or something.

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