Exporting energy to Ukraine

19.08.2024 - EB

Just as the purchase of F-35 fighters for delivery in a decade detracts attention from the issue of how to defend against an imminent Russian invasion, the Fiala government's keen interest in signing a contract for new nuclear power plants detracts from the more-pressing issue of what the war in Ukraine will mean for Czechs this winter. EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson wrote in the Financial Times today that, "We must save Ukrainians from catastrophic winter energy shortages." One of her six calls for action is to gradually expand the maximum volume of electricity that can be exported to Ukraine from elsewhere in Europe. Another is to send as many small-scale decentralized generators as possible. They require fuel, which someone is going to need to supply in greater quantities. Ukraine must not be left alone as it prepares for its most difficult winter yet, Simson concluded. Before Industry Min. Jozef Síkela leaves for Brussels, he should present a detailed forecast of whether Ukraine's most difficult winter yet will mean energy price surges, shortages or rationing for Czech households and companies.

Glossary of difficult words

to detract (from) - to draw away or divert (from);

imminent - about to happen;

surge - a sudden large increase, typically a temporary one;

to ration - to allow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a commodity).

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