The strange Křetínský-Síkela relationship

19.09.2024 - EB

The strangest relationship in Czech politics of the past three years has been that of STAN and the Pirates. They started out as staunch coalition partners but turned bitter enemies after STAN swiped most of the Pirates' seats in the lower house of Parliament. STAN got help with this from Daniel Křetínský's tabloid Blesk, which instructed voters on how to circle out the Pirates. Two years later Křetínský soured on STAN, and esp. on Industry Min. Jozef Síkela, and Křetínský-Síkela became the second-strangest relationship in Czech politics. Blesk repeatedly criticized Síkela for what it called the overpriced purchase of Net4Gas. When Síkela got the international partnerships portfolio in the EU Commission this week, Blesk was delighted to report that Ursula von der Leyen had put Petr Fiala and Síkela in their place and that the CR was one of the losers. Síkela will soon be out of sight and out of mind in Brussels or Africa, unless Blesk decides to keep reminding us of Mr. F*ck-up's enduring deeds.

Glossary of difficult words

staunch - very loyal and committed in attitude;

to swipe - to steal;

to sour on - to stop liking or being interested in (someone or something);

to put someone in his or her place - to remind someone of his or her position;

out of sight and out of mind - not seen and not thought about;

Mr. Fuck-up (pan Průser) - a nickname given to Síkela by Blesk meaning that he makes messes of things;

enduring - lasting over a period of time.

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