Marching toward wider war

23.09.2024 - EB

More important to the future of the Czech Republic than the regional elections over the weekend is the managed escalation of the war in Ukraine. The EU Parliament adopted a resolution on Thur. calling on member states to "immediately lift restrictions on the use of Western weapons systems delivered to Ukraine against legitimate military targets on Russian territory." MEP Alexandr Vondra of ODS told CNN Prima News on Fri. that MEP Filip Turek of Motoristé is on Russia's side because he didn't vote for it. What does this say about Joe Biden and Tony Blinken, who are also against lifting the restrictions? At least for the time being. The Times of London reported on Fri. that Ukraine might receive permission soon to fire British and French-made cruise missiles deep into Russia before any announcement is made, so it has the element of surprise. The actual strikes might be a surprise, but thanks to Vondra and other escalationists, everyone will be conditioned to accept that the war is widening.

Glossary of difficult words

time being - the present time;

to condition - to train or accustom to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.

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