Tracking down illegal Czechs

28.01.2025 - EB

One of Donald Trump's many executive orders, Protecting the United States from Foreign Terrorists and other National Security and Public Safety Threats, requires all aliens already in the U.S. or seeking entry to be vetted to the "maximum degree possible." All resources that can be used to achieve this are to be identified. A helpful bill from Sen. Marco Rubio, who is now secretary of state, would require Visa Waiver Program countries to share information about whether their citizens who are traveling to the U.S. represent a threat to the security or welfare of the United States. Failure to comply would mean the immediate termination of Visa Waiver Program status. Taken together, these measures could be used by U.S. government authorities to identify the location in the U.S. of any illegal Czech alien who registered with the Czech embassy. Call it another "benefit" of registering for mail-in balloting, in addition of course to the honor of serving in the army if conscription notices are ever sent out.

Glossary of difficult words

alien - a foreigner, esp. one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she is living;

to vet - to investigate someone thoroughly;

waiver - a document recording the waiving of a right or claim;

to comply - to act in accordance with a wish or command;

conscription - compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces.

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