Czech sovereignty and the EU veto

11.02.2025 - EB

The new crime of "unauthorized activity for a foreign power" becomes part of the Czech legal system today. The stated objective of Interior Min. Vít Rakušan of STAN and the other submitters of the legislative rider is to defend the country's constitutional order and sovereignty, but the Supreme Court said in the review process that the actions covered under the new Para. 318a of the penal code are so broad that even some diplomatic activities of friendly governments could become criminal acts. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz of course can't be prosecuted retroactively for calling in Prague on Aug. 29, 2022, for majority EU voting in foreign-policy and tax matters, but what about related efforts in the future by non-diplomatic employees of his country's embassy? Isn't working for a foreign power to reduce Czech sovereignty in foreign policy and taxes something the new paragraph seems to cover? A side effect of the new crime could be new awareness of what loyalty to the Czech Republic really means.

Glossary of difficult words

(legislative) rider - an addition or amendment to an unrelated bill;

penal - of or relating to punishment given by law.

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