Who funds anti-Babiš?

27.04.2017 - EB

Deník, owned by Penta Investments, published an explosive 59-page document that asks 22 pertinent questions about the past commercial activities of Finance Min. Andrej Babiš. Where, for example, did he get the money to buy Agrofert? Indeed, where did he get it? According to Deník, the authors of the document are advisers to PM Bohuslav Sobotka, yet the document itself gives no indication of this. If this time-consuming exercise was conducted on government time, shouldn't taxpayers know what they are paying for? And since the document relies largely on sources rumored to be close to ČSSD (Aktuálně, Deník Referendum, Echo24, Forum24, HlidaciPes, iHned, Respekt, Seznam), shouldn't some government money also go toward addressing the question of the source of their own financing? "Where did Babiš get the money to buy Agrofert?" is an excellent question. Just as is the question of who is funding the anti-Babiš campaign, and why?

Glossary of difficult words

pertinent - relevant or applicable to a particular matter;

time-consuming - taking a lot of or too much time.

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