Who will speak for Martin Roman?

16.01.2019 - EB

It's symbolic that Milan Chovanec is leaving Parliament just as ex-CEO Jaroslav Míl of ČEZ is returning to a prominent position as the cabinet's envoy for nuclear power. Míl is too cautious to say so, but his unceremonious sacking from ČEZ in 2003 was apparently the essential first step in the realization of a plan by Vladimír Špidla, Bohuslav Sobotka, Milan Urban, Stanislav Gross, Radek Pokorný, Mirek Topolánek, Martin Říman, Vladimír Johanes, Josef Brož and of course Martin Roman to create a Roman Empire stretching from energy to trains to environmental cleanup, from California Trust in the Caymans to Appian in downtown D.C. to Vladimir Yakunin in Russia. Roman had to leave ČEZ in 2011 but was never held to account for his actions, not even for apparently filing false SEC reports. He always had professional representation. It's now too hot a public role for Chovanec, as it is for Martin Netolický (who is also leaving national politics). Anyone want the job?

Glossary of difficult words

unceremonious - having or showing a lack of courtesy; rough or abrupt;

to stretch - to extend or spread over an area or period of time;

to hold to account - to require a person to explain or to accept responsibility for his or her actions;

SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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