We're so rich...

30.04.2020 - EB

We're so rich that we can lock down the entire economy and only then start caring for those who are the most vulnerable.... We're so rich that we can buy overpriced medical supplies from people to whom we normally wouldn't give the time of day.... We're so rich that we can pay factories not to produce.... We're so rich that we can give money to corporations so that they don't have to miss their regular dividend payments.... We're so rich that we can pour out the beer we make.... We're so rich that we can leave crops in the fields to rot.... We're so rich that we can stay at home and get fat like the landed gentry.... We're so rich that we can take advice about how to get out of this crisis from the very experts who got us into the last one.... We're so rich that we can give back some of that democracy and personal freedom that we bought at such a high price.... We're so rich that we can pass on the reckoning for all of this to our beloved children as their inheritance.

Glossary of difficult words

to give someone the time of day - to be pleasantly polite or friendly to someone;

landed gentry - upper-class landowners;

reckoning - a bill or account; the avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds;

inheritance - something such as money, property or a title received as an heir at the death of the previous holder.

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